Sunday, July 16, 2006

Now I Have A Space Bar, But I Have No Time

Sunday night

It{s just one fun thing after another when you{re running with the jovenes. I would love to write all about the river rafting trip yesterday, which I must confess was a real high moment in my life, but I have no time today. Today we spent all day at the Parque de Diversiones. That{s Amusement Park in Spanish. )Please forgive any, of which I know there have been several, of my spelling errors. I{ll fix them all later.)

It was a dirversion, all right. It was the last day of a 2 week vacation for the school kids, so the park was very busy, according to our hostess. But compared to my last soiree through Disneyland, it seemed almost deserted. It was really fun to just be out amongst the local Tican families enjoying the day, listening to the Spanish all around. The roller coaster screams sounded pretty much like any amusement park screaming, anywhere.

I kind of moaned about going out again today. I just wanted to stay home, rest, write, study and savor the high I{m still feeling from yesterday. But I{m glad I went, despite the intial heat, the afternoon rain, the hour late kids to the rendevous while our host and hostess waited with their very tired 11 year old. If I had stayed home, I wouldn{t have seen the pretty park, that hasn{t been commericialized like the ones in the US that seem slick and fake.

I would have missed the program of traditional dances, the women wearing huge, multi colored skirts that they would twirl and swing around and around. Or the men wearing 5 foot tall paper machie masks on their heads as they ran through the audience.

It was a great day. I{ll write about the river trip tomorrow. After I get back from lunch at my new Costa Rican friend{s home. I{m supposed to meet her whole family. And since she looks just like Aunt Mae, this could prove inteteresting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear about the rafting trip! Sounds like an action packed weekend. Hope you get a nap! I was watching the news, the wild fires in California are causing problems around Big Bear...I was remembering our adventures in that area. It is HOT, HOT, HOT here! ciento uno during the day and only down to setenta ocho at night. Very little rain. Your Amiga, Denna

5:54 AM  

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