Monday, July 31, 2006

Back on the Faster Fast Track

I'm in my usual state of hurry up. Tammy and the girls arrive tonight, and although I didn't do my usual get ready, I'm still out of time.

I've kind of given up the school of Entertaining for the Insane. I did manage to clean the bathroom, and I will make fried chicken. I had to get some little gifts for the girls! And I did clean up the 20 pounds of pine needles out of the front yard. Clean linens. Well of course! And those few other things, just one or two. Oh well, I guess I'm still slightly insane.

I leave on Friday for Yellowstone, so I had to do all the paperwork that stacked up the last month. Why oh why do insurance and billing companies make you wait on hold until you've grown roots. Things would go so much quicker if they would just add more phone lines or hire more people, or if all else fails, send it to somewhere in Asia to be answered. I don't care, just answer the phone!

I tried sending some emails to my Spanish speaking friends in Costa Rica today. They may have received a strange and garbled message telling them that I had many good things to know if I was their friend when I hope I went to Costa Rica. I hope they can read between the lines.

Computer in the guest room, Chris disabled the wireless router, no computers at Yellowstone.

Darn! I was starting to kind of dig this blog stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodmorning! Don't have my glasses on, typing blind. Have a great day with the grandchildren! Are you going to Dizzyworld?

5:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happen to the wireless?

By the way, remind me sometime and I'll point you to an application that you can use to type blog entries offline, spellcheck, save drafts, etc... then just a click or two and you can post them to your blog. No logging in to a web site first.


10:22 AM  

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