Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Swimming With The Grandgirls

What a fun day! Is there anything in the world more sweet and wonderful than a grandchild?

Why is Playdough so much more fun now than ever before? No one ever liked my creations more than the two little blond girls at my house. My purple Playdough jewelry is beootiful, my neon green heart shaped "cookies" are the best, everything is wonderful, wonderful, until someone is crying like their heart will break, and tiny, tiny little tears roll down their cheeks.

Swimming is better than ever when your buddy wears water wings, and you both get dizzy from spinning each other around and around in the water. Laps are more exhilarting when you're pacing the new team member who is attempting the end to end pool lap for the first time, and all the time carrying the junior varsity rookie on your back, little arms clinging tightly around your neck.

Crossword puzzles are much more intriguing when late at night, a little helper is sitting in the chair next to you, all snuggled up and reading the word clues with you.

And just when you're full of sweetness, a tiny little thing comes in from an outing with Gramps, carrying a plastic bag as big as she is, filled with Haagen Daz bars for everyone.

Sweet beyond belief.


Blogger Parton Words said...

Life's pretty good really isn't it Karen. Thanks for sharing that stuff.


10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only new my grandmother for the first 8 years of my life, but, her love and the time spent with her has lasted a life time. I know how much it means to these little blond headed girls to spend these magic moments with "grammie". Enjoy. Denna

5:55 AM  

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